Al momento stai visualizzando Resettami Parkinson: the informative instrument capable of handling and monitoring the acceptance of patients diagnosed with Parkinson disease

Resettami Parkinson: the informative instrument capable of handling and monitoring the acceptance of patients diagnosed with Parkinson disease

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Resettami Parkinson

Since its foundation, CLE has always invested in research and development aiming to the creation of groundbreaking services and products to ease and harmonize all the processes inside companies and Public Administrations.

Among the products aimed for healthcare, one of our most important is Resettami: the innovative platform that allows Local Healthcare, ASL and Regions to integrate all their services. All of this, thanks to different types of products, developed to answer all the different needs of each company or authority.

“Resettami Parkinson”, is the first informative instrument capable of handling and monitoring the acceptance of patients diagnosed with Parkinson disease, connecting hospitals, healthcare districts and all the different operators of the healthcare system.

The research project, that involved specialists and researchers from CLE, adopts what is envisaged by “Global declaration of Rights for people with Parkinson’s disease” which came into force on the 11th of April 1997 and that, regarding the involvement of the patient and their respective families, states that : “people with Parkinson have the right to participate in the treatment of the disease”


Parkinson’s Disease: Statistics
Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by a gradual loss of cerebral cells. The incidence of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) in Italy, according to the latest statistics, varies from 200 to 350 cases every 100,000 people and the incidence of the disease varies between 5 to 21 new cases every 100,000 people per year.


What are Parkinson’s Disease Risk Factors?
Both the incidence and the prevalence of Parkinson Disease rises with the age. Therefore juvenile Parkinson manifests in a lower number of cases, while cases rise in the following decades with a prevalence of 2% in over-sixties. According to the National Parkinson Observatory (Osservatorio Nazionale Parkinson) age is an independent risk factor together with being male and the hereditariness of the disease.


The advantages of Resettami Parkinson: an solution integrated with Regional and Insutry Health informative systems
Resettami Parkison, was created with the aim of guaranteeing to Healthcare Administrations an effective instrument for the digitalization of each single process regarding the take in charge of Parkinson’s Parients, obtained through the application of many functions and a great versatility of usage, which can adapt to all treatment plans.

The platform, developed from the perspective of Industria 4.0, guarantees the harmonization and systematization of all processes regarding the take in charge of Parkinson’s patients. This helps in redefining the modes of organization of the experts in movement disorders, geriatrists, cardiologists, gastroenterologists, physiatrists and physiotherapist, psychologists, speech therapists and all professionals connected to the various phases of patient’s care.

The Systemic and cross-disciplinary approach oriented to disease management, allows to emphasize and highlight all the complex needs of the patient, by eliminating the logic of the “clinical case” and customizing the assistance depending on the specific needs and the degree of development of the pathology.

In fact, considering the non-motor symptoms and the possible insurgency of ancillary pathologies during Parkinson’s clinical course, the healthcare professionals with which the patient and its family meets may be very different. A higher degree of coordination among them provides many advantages for the patient in terms of suitability and timeliness in every step of the clinical course: diagnosis and initial treatment, stabilized medium phase, advanced phase, pharmacological clinical monitoring, diagnostic surveys, changes in the clinical course and rehabilitation.

Moreover, Resettami Parkinson, perfectly integrates with Local and Regional Healthcare Informative systems, allowing for the update of the personal data of the assisted and those of the General Practitioners, also among Regional, Public Services and National Parkinson Networks.

Resettami Parkinson in particular allows:

  • To manage the governance of the complete service by Regions, ASL and Specialists;
  • To manage all procedures and all interventions in mobility, from any device


The model comes from a first distinction regarding the roles that the single local actors cover when intervening during the report, during the “take in charge” and in the management of Parkison’s Patient. The actors are indeed represented by all those professionals that, among the process, take responsibility for data insertion, with particular reference to the Network Coordinator (Local, Regional, National Coordinators), to the General Practitioners and to Medics specialized in Parkinson Disease.


Depending on the role, all the single actors create an array of processes that range from the personal data of the assisted to the management of the pre-evaluation card, incidence sampling and history, patient’s anamnesis, physical examination, diagnosis, pharmacological therapy, medical exams and follow up management.


The possibility to monitor all these processes on a single platform allows for considerable benefits also for the caregiver network, that develops a better awareness towards the disease and acquire a higher expertise in assistance and support offered to the Parkinson’s patient.